Contact Us / Directory



To make it easy for you, we have listed all our contact information here.

Just click on the Department you want to talk to and you will find phone, extension, and e-mail address for each person.



(Click to view the contacts of the respective department)




Local Phone Numbers:

Get direct access to L.O. TRADING call center without paying long distance charges.


USA: +1 305. 477 7630
Colombia (Medellín): +57 604. 605 1500 (additional options here)
Germany: +49 (0). 6074 485250
China: +86 193 7280 0736
Brazil (São Paulo): +55 11 4230 1005
El Salvador: +50 32 113 0940



Business Units:


L.O. Trading Corp. - Miami, USA


Colombia Business Unit - Medellín, Colombia


EUR L.O. Trading GmbH - Frankfurt, Germany


CN L.O. Trading Limited - Shanghai, China


S.V. L.O. TRADING S.A. de C.V. - San Salvador, El Salvador


Building long lasting mutually beneficial commercial relationships